Apache Metabase

You should definitively check Metabase 0 then: it's open source, very easy to self-host, and democratize data access inside your team. We started using it for the same reason 3 years ago, I cannot recommend it more.

  1. Apache Metastore
  2. Apache Metabase Server
  3. Metabase Apache Reverse Proxy
  4. Apache Metasploit
  5. Metabase Apache Proxy

You should definitively check Metabase 0 then: it's open source, very easy to self-host, and democratize data access inside your team. We started using it for the same reason 3 years ago, I cannot recommend it more. Differences Between Data Analytics vs Data Analysis. Data analysis is a procedure of investigating, cleaning, transforming, and training of the data with the aim of finding some useful information, recommend conclusions and helps in decision-making. Introduction Apache is a tried and tested HTTP server which comes with access to a very wide range of powerful extensions.

What is Presto?


Presto is an open source distributed SQL query engine for running interactive analytic queries against data sources of all sizes ranging from gigabytes to petabytes.

Apache Metastore

Presto was designed and written from the ground up for interactive analytics and approaches the speed of commercial data warehouses while scaling to the size of organizations like Facebook.

The community owned and driven Presto project is supported by the Presto Foundation, an independent nonprofit organization with open and neutral governance, hosted under the Linux Foundation®.

Learn more about the Presto's move to the Linux Foundation, and learn how to become a member of the Presto Foundation today.

What can it do?

Presto allows querying data where it lives, including Hive, Cassandra, relational databases or even proprietary data stores. A single Presto query can combine data from multiple sources, allowing for analytics across your entire organization.

Presto is targeted at analysts who expect response times ranging from sub-second to minutes. Presto breaks the false choice between having fast analytics using an expensive commercial solution or using a slow 'free' solution that requires excessive hardware.

Who uses it?

Facebook uses Presto for interactive queries against several internal data stores, including their 300PB data warehouse. Over 1,000 Facebook employees use Presto daily to run more than 30,000 queries that in total scan over a petabyte each per day.

Leading internet companies including Airbnb and Dropbox are using Presto.

Presto is amazing. Lead engineer Andy Kramolisch got it into production in just a few days. It's an order of magnitude faster than Hive in most our use cases. It reads directly from HDFS, so unlike Redshift, there isn't a lot of ETL before you can use it. It just works.

Christopher Gutierrez, Manager of Online Analytics, Airbnb

We're really excited about Presto. We're planning on using it to quickly gain insight about the different ways our users use Dropbox, as well as diagnosing problems they encounter along the way. In our tests so far it's been rock solid and extremely fast when applied to some of our most important ad hoc use cases.

Fred Wulff, Software Engineer, Dropbox

What are the latest innovations?

Project Aria – PrestoDB can now push down entire expressions to the data source for some file formats like ORC. BlogDesign

Project Presto Unlimited – Introduced exchange materialization to create temporary in-memory bucketed tables to use significantly less memory. PRBlog

User Defined Functions – Support for dynamic SQL functions is now available in experimental mode. Docs

Apache Pinot and Druid Connectors – Docs

RaptorX – Disaggregates the storage from compute for low latency to provide a unified, cheap, fast, and scalable solution to OLAP and interactive use cases. Issue

Presto-on-Spark Runs Presto code as a library within Spark executor. DesignDocs

Disaggregated Coordinator (a.k.a. Fireball) – Scale out the coordinator horizontally and revamp the RPC stack. Beta in Q4 2020. Issues

What is the Presto Foundation?

The Presto Foundation is the non-profit established to support the developer and community processes for the Presto open source project. Hosted under the auspices of the Linux Foundation, the Presto Foundation is governed openly and transparently.

If you share our vision for Presto and are ready to provide financial support for the community development process, please join us!

Release Git Stats

Current Version0.222
DateJuly 02, 2019



GitHub Readme.md

Metabase is the easy, open source way for everyone in your company to ask questions and learn from data.

Apache Metabase Server

  • 5 minute setup (We're not kidding)
  • Let anyone on your team ask questions without knowing SQL
  • Rich beautiful dashboards with auto refresh and fullscreen
  • SQL Mode for analysts and data pros
  • Create canonical segments and metrics for your team to use
  • Send data to Slack or email on a schedule with dashboard subscriptions
  • View data in Slack anytime with MetaBot
  • Humanize data for your team by renaming, annotating and hiding fields
  • See changes in your data with alerts

For more information check out metabase.com

Supported databases

  • Officially supported databases.
  • Community-supported drivers.


Metabase can be run just about anywhere so checkout our Installation Guides for detailed instructions for various deployments. Here's the TLDR:


To run Metabase via Docker, just type

JAR file

To run Metabase via a JAR file, you will need to have a Java Runtime Environment installed on your system.

We recommend the latest LTS version of JRE from AdoptOpenJDK with HotSpot JVM and x64 architecture, but other Java versions might work too.

Go to the Metabase download page and download the latest release. Place the downloaded JAR file into a newly created directory (as it will create some files when it is run), and run it with the following command:

Now, open a browser and go to http://localhost:3000 , and you will be asked a set of questions that will set up a user account, and then you can add a database connection. For this to work you will need to get some information about which database you want to connect to, such as the Host Name and Port that it is running on, the Database Name and the User and Password that you will be using.

Metabase Apache Reverse Proxy

Once you have added this connection, you will be taken into the app and you'll be ready to ask your first question.

For a more detailed walkthrough, check out our Getting Started guide.

Some questions come up over and over again. Check here first:FAQ

See SECURITY.md for details.

To get started with a development installation of the Metabase, follow the instructions at our Developers Guide.

Then take a look at our Contribution Guide for information about our process and where you can fit in!

We want Metabase to be available in as many languages as possible. See which translations are available and help contribute to internationalization using our project over at POEditor. You can also check out our policies on translations.

Metabase also allows you to hit our Query API directly from Javascript to integrate the simple analytics we provide with your own application or third party services to do things like:

  • Build moderation interfaces
  • Export subsets of your users to third party marketing automation software
  • Provide a specialized customer lookup application for the people in your company

Apache Metasploit

This repository contains the source code for both the Open Source edition of Metabase, released under the AGPL, as well as the commercial edition of Metabase Enterprise, released under the Metabase Commercial Software License.

See LICENSE.txt for details.

Metabase Apache Proxy

Unless otherwise noted, all files © 2021 Metabase, Inc.