Mantis Markdown

Mantis markdown knifeMarkdown

Markdown support has just been introduced in MantisHub with our latest release. We chose to implement markdown to provide a simple way for our users to format their text within issue notes and descriptions. Markdown uses simple markup that gets translated into HTML so you can display formatted text in MantisHub.

Mantis - Quick Guide - Mantis Bug Tracker is an open source web-based application tool. It is used for Bug Tracking throughout Defect Lifecycle. Along with bug tracking, Mantis suppor. Markdown Support – MantisBT now provides markdown support similar to other tools that developers use like GitHub, Bitbucket, and others.

Development focused sites such as GitHub, Bitbucket and Visual Studio Online, use the power of markdown to greatly enhance their online user discussions. HTML is quite cumbersome to have to write up just to format your text so markdown is a huge time saver.

Now Markdown doesn’t do any of the really fancy stuff like changing font size or color, or adding borders but it covers the basics like italics, bold, lists, linked text, embedded images, code snippets, etc. Texture pack maker. The emphasis of markdown language being ease of use as well as making sure your notes are still readable even when not rendered into HTML.

It was originally developed by John Gruber who supported the ideas of different implementations to suit individual user requirements so there are a few versions out there and many extensions on the functionality included in the original. The supported format for MantisHub can be found at

If you are unfamiliar with Markdown, it’s very simple to pick up, just as emojis have become second nature, you’ll find it’s the same with markdown. Take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with shorthand and you’ll be using it seamlessly when updating your tickets. To get you started, we recommend checking out this short tutorial.

There’s also a cheat sheet you can keep bookmarked as you become more fluent.

Mantis Markdown Code

For details on how to set up markdown in your MantisHub, check out our KB article. Boss kut gazelle instruction manual.