Monodevelop Unity

1 Add the Mono repository to your system. The package repository hosts the packages you need, add it with the following commands. Note: the packages should work on newer Ubuntu versions too but we only test the ones listed below. Ubuntu 18.04 (i386, amd64, armhf) sudo apt install apt-transport-https dirmngr sudo apt-key adv -keyserver hkp:// -recv-keys. MonoDevelop enables developers to quickly write desktop and web applications on Linux, Windows and macOS. It also makes it easy for developers to port.NET applications created with Visual Studio to Linux and macOS maintaining a single code base for all platforms.

  1. Monodevelop Windows
  2. Monodevelop Unity 2020
  3. Monodevelop Not In Unity
  1. So you just click the button again to stop running the game. And that's how you can debug a Unity script in MonoDevelop. To recap, today we talked a little bit about the process of debugging. And we also talked about how specifically we fire up the debugger using Unity and MonoDevelop.
  2. Setting Up MonoDevelop You should check that MonoDevelop is set as the external script editor in the Preferences (menu: Unity Preferences and then select the External Tools panel). With this option enabled, Unity will launch MonoDevelop and use it as the default editor for all script files. How do I change Visual Studio to MonoDevelop in unity?

Visual Studio for Mac is available to install

Visual Studio for Mac builds on top of MonoDevelop, adding open sourced internals from Visual Studio and many new extensions to support new workloads. To get the latest available version, switch to the Stable updater channel after installing.

Supported on macOS 10.11 and later.

MonoDevelop for macOS is available from source

Please refer to the building guide for more information about how to install and configure your MonoDevelop.


1 Add the Mono repository to your system

The package repository hosts the packages you need, add it with the following commands.

Note: the packages should work on newer Ubuntu versions too but we only test the ones listed below.

Ubuntu 18.04 (i386, amd64, armhf)

Ubuntu 16.04 (i386, amd64, armhf)

Ubuntu 14.04 (i386, amd64, armhf)

2 Install MonoDevelop

The package monodevelop should be installed for the MonoDevelop IDE.

Monodevelop Windows

3 Verify Installation

After the installation completed successfully, it's a good idea to run through the basic hello world examples on this page to verify MonoDevelop is working correctly.

1 Add the Mono repository to your system

The package repository hosts the packages you need, add it with the following commands.

Note: the packages should work on newer Debian versions too but we only test the ones listed below.

Debian 10 (i386, amd64, armhf, armel)


Debian 9 (i386, amd64, armhf, armel)

Debian 8 (i386, amd64, armhf, armel)

2 Install MonoDevelop

The package monodevelop should be installed for the MonoDevelop IDE.

3 Verify Installation

After the installation completed successfully, it's a good idea to run through the basic hello world examples on this page to verify MonoDevelop is working correctly.

1 Add the Mono repository to your system

The package repository hosts the packages you need, add it with the following commands.

Note: the packages should work on newer Raspbian versions too but we only test the ones listed below.

Raspbian 9 (armhf)

Raspbian 8 (armhf)

2 Install MonoDevelop

The package monodevelop should be installed for the MonoDevelop IDE.

3 Verify Installation

After the installation completed successfully, it's a good idea to run through the basic hello world examples on this page to verify MonoDevelop is working correctly.

1 Add the Mono repository to your system

The package repository hosts the packages you need, add it with the following commands in a root shell.

Note: the packages should work on newer CentOS versions too but we only test the ones listed below.

CentOS 7 (x86_64)

CentOS 6 (x86_64, i686)

2 Install MonoDevelop

The package monodevelop should be installed for the MonoDevelop IDE.

3 Verify Installation

After the installation completed successfully, it's a good idea to run through the basic hello world examples on this page to verify MonoDevelop is working correctly.

MonoDevelop for Windows is available from source only

Please refer to the building guide for more information about how to install and configure your MonoDevelop.

GTK# for .NET

Installer for running Gtk#-based applications on Microsoft .NET:


Installing dependencies

MonoDevelop requires the following packages (or newer versions):

  • Mono 5.10
  • Mono.Addins 0.6
  • Gtk# 2.12.45
  • monodoc 1.0
  • F# (fsharpc program)
  • cmake
  • libssh2

You can build them from git, source releases or, even easier, simply install the pre-built packages appropriate for your platform.

We strongly recommend you install everything from packages if possible. If not, you should use a Parallel Mono Environment. Do not install anything to /usr or /usr/local unless you completely understand the implications of doing so.

Note that if your distro has sufficiently up-to-date Gtk# or Mono.Addins packages, you can configure a parallel Mono environment to use them instead of building them from source. See the section on MONO_GAC_PREFIX in the Parallel Mono Environment guide.

Building from Git

After getting the source code from GitHub, run the following code in the root directory:

It may fail because of missing dependencies; install them, and re-run the command.

This script allows selecting and configuring a set of MonoDevelop modules to be included in an integrated build. The MonoDevelop build system consists of a ‘main’ module, which contains the main distribution, and a number of additional add-ins in subdirectories of ‘extras’.
The ‘extras’ add-ins are designed to be built and distributed separately, and therefore build against your system-installed MonoDevelop by default. However, this script sets them up to build against the MonoDevelop in ‘main’, and ensures that they will be loaded when MonoDevelop is launched with ‘make run’ in this top-level directory. This is very useful for development and testing.

You can select the list of extra add-ins to be built by running this command:

Further executions of the configure script will configure only the selected add-ins.
You can also configure a predefined list of modules by specifying a build profile using the –profile option. Use the –help option to get information about available profiles and other build options.

Linux: Running

Since you’ll be working on the development version, it’s best not to install it; instead, you can use

Monodevelop Unity

Client to gateway vpn rv042 login. to run it without installing it. It is a good idea to keep separate copies for using and developing.

Building from Tarballs

MonoDevelop is split in several tarballs: one for the main application, and one for each optional add-in. You can get the tarballs from the Download page.

First of all you have to configure and install the main tarball:

The configure script may fail because of missing dependencies; install them, and re-run the command.

After this, you can build and install any of the additional tarballs using the same procedure.


Building MonoDevelop from source on the Mac is straightforward when the latest Mono SDK package is installed. In general, the instructions in Development:Getting Started can be applied directly to building MD on macOS. However, there are a few caveats, so this page explains the Mac build process in more detail.

Building using Makefiles


First you will need Xcode installed. If you have Xcode 4.3 or later, you will need to then install the Xcode Commandline tool from Xcode preferences, and install autoconf and automake from brew.

NOTE: Please ensure that you have the very latest Mono MDK.

Check out MD, configure using the Mac profile:

NOTE: DO NOT use configure –select on Mac - the Mac profile passes adds required arguments to the configuration of main. Instead edit profiles/mac manually to add any additional modules.

IMPORTANT: Do not install MonoDevelop into the install prefix. MonoDevelop will pick up libraries from the prefix automatically. If you configured with a non-default prefix, then when you build an app bundle, the entire prefix will be merged into the app bundle.

Things you might have to do before running the configure script

  1. Tell aclocal where to find the pkgconfig M4 macro (pkg.m4), e.g.

    Comment: this did not appear necessary

  2. Add the GTK+ libraries’ location to the Mac dynamic loader path:

    Comment: this did not appear necessary

Building extras

To include additional addins from extras in the build, instead of using the Mac profile, use configure --select to select addins. This will write the default profile. Next, replace the line in profiles/default that begins with “main” with the one from profiles/mac, then run configure again using the default profile.

Mac: Running

To run MD, simply use:

Building the App package

To build the app package, navigate to the macOS build directory:

From here, build the using make app. You can then build the .dmg using the ./ script. To include addins from extras, manually copy their build directories into the directory, e.g.

Building using MonoDevelop

When building MonoDevelop using MonoDevelop, be sure to select the Mac configuration, as this will enable building only the addins that work on Mac.


Building main is straightforward. Open main/Main.sln, select the Mac configuration, and run the Build command. Note that running MonoDevelop from within MD will currently only work if you export DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH as described above.


Loading the full MonoDevelop.mdw workspace and building the addin solutions from extras will only work if the Makefiles’ configure script has been run. Even then, not all of them will build correctly. Until this is resolved, use the makefiles to build extras.

TL;DR - Getting a MD Master App Bundle

Monodevelop Unity 2020

Install the latest Mono MDK (2.10.6 at the time of writing) and git. Then run the following commands

To update, run the following commands in the monodevelop directory:


Prerequisites and Source

  • Install Visual Studio 2017 with the .NET Desktop and .NET Core workloads and the F# optional component (note, F# is disabled by default so need to enable it in the VS installer).
  • Install Git for Windows (from here)
  • Make sure you have .NET Framework 4.7.1 Reference Assemblies (4.7.1 Targeting Pack)
  • Install Gtk# (installer). Direct link: gtk-sharp-2.12.45.msi
  • Install the Mono libraries package (installer)
  • Install GNU Gettext tools (from here)

Building using Visual Studio or MonoDevelop

You need at least Visual Studio 2017 or MonoDevelop 7.1

  • git clone --recursive -j8
  • Open main/Main.sln.
  • Select the DebugWin32 configuration and Any CPU platform (this is important!).
  • Build the solution.

Monodevelop Not In Unity

Building using MSBuild

Open a Command Prompt in main and run winbuild.bat. You can easily run MD directly after building with the winbuild.bat script (run monodevelopmainbuildbinmonodevelop.exe).